Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday April 28

I am having some issues getting to a place to post for the blog so please bear with me for a few more days and I think I'll have things solved. One of the problems I have at the moment is an inability to download pictures to the blog as the connection I am using is not sufficient to handle the pictures. I promise to have pictures up as soon as I can!

The week has ended on a good day. Most of the week has been shoveling and troweling lots of dirt with hardly any small finds. Small finds are pottery and coins and glass. That sorta thing. Two new posts turned up today between the four posts I found in the first week and the two posts that are below the floor in the mausoleum. It has thrown a wrench into Justin's thoughts of the type of building that is in the area, but he will probably sleep on it over the next couple of days and figure everything out. John, the new guy to archaeology, got to the bottom of the ditch and found some more scraps of leather, a bit of shoe and some bits of pottery. He is hooked and looking to come back for more if anyone decides to drop out later in the dig season. I envy him since he lives just ten miles away. It would be great to come for a week at a time throughout the dig season and see everything progress. That is the downside to coming and volunteering: eventually you have to go home and know that great finds are going to be discovered right where you were digging! The two Chris's are back next week and a few other experienced volunteers will be on Justin's team which means he should be moving right along. Good luck Team B.

Tomorrow I start with Team A (the areas for excavation are A & B and A is run by Andrew). Andy's team is digging near the present fort below the floors of the town buildings nearest to the fort's northwest wall. I'm not sure if I will be in the pit that is almost five foot deep or if I will be part of a crew taking down a new section. All will be made known tomorrow.
Pictures soon.

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