Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 28, 2007

A bird's eye view of trench B.
The picture is taken from temporary scaffolding (ie., we take it down and put it up when needed). Sometimes it is better to look at the trench from a higher vantage point because the whole trench can come into focus. That's me in the trench just finishing troweling the section from lower left to where I am. Troweling the surface brings out the color differences which can show ditch lines, post holes, pits, places of severe burning. So in other words it is great way for the archaeologists to get an idea as to what is going on at that level.

This week's crew
The crew is Justin again, Chris (Vinovium Chris on the website), John (he's new to the whole archaeology experience), and Chris (volunteer Chris-dug at Vindolanda for his fifth season now). Great guys to dig with. There was a lot of jokes and plenty of good archaeology discussion.

Taking a break to mull over what could be going on in this complicated section of the trench. This if often what you may find happening at a dig site if you have a chance to visit a place doing archaeology. It is much better to sit back, listen to what everyone has to say and then decide on the next course of action. It also gives us out of shape diggers a chance at a break!


Katie said...

Hi everyone, Matt was able to send me the photos so I could post them. Thank you everyone who has been checking out the blog!

KBeast said...

Plenty of good archaelogy discussion, huh? Sounds, um, riveting. :) The pictures do look cool though and its easy to tell that you're having lots of fun. Its great that you get to do this extended gig, instead of just digging for a week. Can't wait to hear about the next big find!